Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bella Pegli, our new home

Ciao!!!! Salve!!!! 

We have a day off todAy, so we took a train To Genova! Now we're sitting down and soaking up some  wifi (wee fee ) time hoped to share with you are stories.  The farm is unreal. It is high up in the hills, deep In a valley with forrests, glades, slopes, hills, a plenty!!!!!! You can hear the river at all times and we are having a ball...
  The family is so nice. They are Francesca, roger and Calvin, he's like 12. They live in whiffle  secluded area, on an ancient property with 4 houses on it. All made of stone, dirt and a little cement. We have our own cottage way up the hill from the main house, surrounded by Forrest and tall grass. Every morning we can hear the neighbors 300 plus sheep pass by as we wake of them wears a giant bell and rings it like the town idiot all day long. Our cottage doesn't have electricity, so everything is candle light, and the only running water is from the river. We cannot drink it because francesca thinks there's dead sheep in it...ha so we trust her. 
Our shower is a faucet with a bucket. And every night ryan kills spiders for me...many many spiders, centipedes and weird mysterious italian insectos. 

    Our work has been good. Hard but good. We have been shoveling every day. We dug a trench/ pathway. We built a fence, we planted a bunch of veg, including peanuts from Senegal, 
dug out about 12 giant raised beds, raked a field of dirt and sifted out all the giant rocks and bamboo roots. We pick cherries everyday when the sun goes down, and play or bathe in the river. Haaaaa....our blisters are everywhere and we love them.

    We eat with the family, they speak English pretty well because Roger is American!!! Ha so that's been nice. 

    We're always sore and so far our schedule is 3 days of work, 1 day off, 3 more days of work, then another dAy off. So it's really nice.
We don't have Internet where we are but we don't seem it miss it. We bought new books before we got to the farm and have been enjoying them immensely. Ryans reading The Count of Monte Cristo and I started the Fellowship of the Ring! Ha I finished the Hobbit in like 5 days and now I'm addicted to hobbit big deal. It makes it even more fun when our view every day IS middle earth and I feel as if trolls live by the river and elves in the valley....
   Our italian is...rough. Ha, we've downloaded some Italian aps and been learning the best we can. Good thing we mostly hang out with sheep and kittens. 

   We feel the richness of Gods creation all around us. The incredible beauty weve found to halter our ability to communicate as we walk to our morning chores. Often we will trail off in our sentences and not even notice,  as we've turned our bodies to face the valley. We stare upwards...a lot. 

    We miss everyone, and frequently bust up laughing to ourselves over a memory or a reference to you guys and the good stories we have with you. 

We will be on this farm for about 3 more weeks and will probably only haven Internet once a week if we can get into town. So we promise to update when possible!
    We love you all. 
Keep up the prayers. We feel them. God has given us physical strength, and GREAT health so hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan should be uPutting up some photos on the blog and I'll be writing soon. Ciao!!

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